Desktop Automation - OCR Latest Entry In A List

Hi - I have some ideas myself but none that seem efficient. Hoping people with more knowledge can point me in the right direction. How would people approach extracting the latest value in a list?

In the attached I want to grab the Basic Pay value for the current month/year - Looking at March 2021, get £732.

Any Pointers greatly appreciated.


Below are two good methods. OCR works fine in general, but with numbers and especially salaries(!!! :wink: ) a missed “.” could be problematic. Thus I would use copy and paste.

(1) OCRExtractRelative | image.png | result with the image below. Use OCR engine2 for numbers.

(2) If you want to avoid OCR then use mark & copy to send the value to the clipboard, and then grab it from there:

  • XClickRelative | image.png (same image, this time we use it to send a click to the middle of the pink area, the cell)
  • XType | ${KEY_CTRL + KEY_A}
  • XType | ${KEY_CTRL + KEY_V}
  • store | ${!clipboard} | result get the value from the clipboard

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Again - thanks - working now…