csvRead stopped working - Firefox Browser & UI.Vision RPA

Hi there as can be read in the title I am using Firefox Browser 93.0 + UI.Vision RPA Addon + MacOS 10.12.6 Sierra but csvRead is not working from this morning. It has been working great for the last 12 months. All I get when I run my Macro Loop is that once the Loop arrives at csvRead it does not read and skips to the next step. The Macro Loop keeps running.

in Table View, csvRead is highlighted Orange.

Please help, what does this mean and how to fix it?

Hi, two questions:

  • Does the DemoReadCSV macro still work?

  • If not, does it work ok in Chrome?

When I run DemoCsvReadWithLoop it also skips csvRead and Highlights Orange.
Using - Firefox Browser 93.0 + UI.Vision RPA Addon + MacOS 10.12.6 Sierra

-Using Chrome Browser Version 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (x86_64) + Ui.Vision RPA 6.2.8:
-csvRead it does not read and skips to the next step. The Macro Loop keeps running.
in Table View, csvRead is highlighted Orange.
-When I run DemoCsvReadWithLoop it works and all is green.

I think I discovered an error on my webpage, a button press value has changed. I will update.

No, not a webpage error.
csvRead is in Red.

I think there was an error with the csv file, i Import a different csv file and working. But I see no difference in the 2 csv files

Nope, csvRead still not working

Ok fixed:
-csv file format error, had to change from MS-DOS csv to UTF-8 csv
-Also website error existed and had to be fixed.
-reading UI-Vision Log helped

I am happy it is friday and now weekend :slight_smile: