[bug] Renaming script to other case letters gives an error this macro exists

macroname --> MACRONAME

Well yeah it exists. That’s why I RENAME it to my liking.

I have to rename in twice to get the result.


I also confirm that kantu makes no difference between macro names with upper and lower case letters.

Have a nice day

kantu makes no difference between macro names with upper and lower case letters.

This is by design. Kantu follows the Windows convention here - also on a Mac and Linux.

The same is true for variable names, so HELLO and helLO are the same variable.

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I’m fine with that. I’m not fine with Kantu giving me an error on renaming the macro.
To follow your logic Windows has no problem renaming files like so.

@admin should this silence be considered as disregarding the issue as a bug but a feature?