If I download a file with Chrome, I can control the name with onDownload. It works fine, as long as there isn’t already a file with that name in the Downloads folder. If that is the case, it will get suffixed in some way. How can I find out the name it ended up with?
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Hi Did you find an answer to this ?
The file name of the downloaded file is not yet available. We are looking into it.
Workaround: Overwrite the file name with one that you create and know. You can add a timestamp to the file name to make it unique. For the timestamp, use execute Script e. g. with this code:
var d= new Date(); var m=((d.getMonth()+1)<10)?'0'+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1); return d.getFullYear()+"-"+m+"-"+d.getDate();