Why does kantu shows only one locator @target after recording

I use Kantu and other similar selenium clones … until kantu can all the things like the other tools :slight_smile:

One of the other tools is the “Katalon Recorder” …

When i record a test with katalon i get few different locators @target .
(css=…, //div…, xpath=…, …)

So i can choose a good locator without dynamic id´s …

Kantu offers me just only one locator …

Is it possible to get all the possible locators to have the choice?


Running 5.0.4 (paid) on Chrome

Directly after recording, Kantu shows a few different selectors, but after the first “Save” it only keeps one selector. We are not really happy with this design as it is. Therefore my answer is:

Is it possible to get all the possible locators to have the choice?

Not yet, but better selector selection is on our todo list for the next updates! We are just not sure yet on how to design it. We want to offer a selection during recording/macro creation, but the final macro file should have only one selector, to keep it readable.

“todo list for the next updates!” Sounds good.

“… but the final macro file should have only one selector …”

I understand … all the other similar tools has also only one selector in the maktro.
Take a look to katalon … you must not reinvent the wheel :slight_smile:

They have a very good solution:

  • many possible selectors
  • selectors to every time available
    … and in the macro is only the used selector

I have compared the possible selectors on a very simple website … kantu gets me 2 selectors … katalon gets me 6! … :sunglasses:
