Problems with 5 chrome instances (profiles)

i launch them one by one (20 sec wait between) and there are often issues like “page disconnected” or “theres no dashboard yet”? wtf

i managed to ran 2 profiles without problems in same time.

but 5 not. and I have really good pc and my cpu only 20 percent etc.

also they often dont find object despite it being there(when using multiple instances) and especially often they have troubles reading csvRead when data is there. it returns error when csv has zero lines in it. but my have many lines. that error onlyhappens when i have multiple instances.

is it because these 5 chrome instances have only one XMODULE for files?

do every instance need its own module in different directory?

One XModule for all instances should be sufficient.

To clarify: So you are using five different Chrome profiles? Can you please post the command line that you use to start them?

i fixed the issue admin, i dont remember how, i tried everything and i fixed it

and the 5 csvread files didnt work i think, but i still have 5 of them, what worked was ignoring the errors during csv read and then turning back the ignore errors to false

the code I use is:
@echo off
start “” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” “file:///C:/Users/MYNAME/Desktop/TM2 Kantu.html?direct=1&close=1&cmd_var1=1&testsuite=Loop” --profile-directory=“Default” && exit

while Default is Person 1
Profile 1 is Person 2
Profile 2 is Person 3
(very confusing) anyway it works now

this is what i use for reading csv:

i always read line 1 because i use batch to remove the line after